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Direct Air capture Enzymatically Accelerated Rock Weathering

Enhanced rock weathering (ERW) is a simple technology for direct air capture where CO2 in the atmosphere reacts with rock minerals to form carbonates. At Novonesis, a joint company of legacy Novozymes A/S and legacy Chr. Hansen A/S, we are exploring how the enzyme carbonic anhydrase could greatly increase the cost-efficiency and CO2 capture potential of ERW. Our lab trials have documented the good effects of using enzymes to speed up the dissolution of rock flour. Agricultural field trials are ongoing to confirm CO2 capture and the benefits of enzymatically enhanced rock weathering. We urge financial markets, investors, and relevant value chain players, such as quarries, transport, and the agricultural industry, to help accelerate the enhanced rock weathering technology as a simple tool for direct air capture, which potentially can be deployed at large scale in a short time horizon.