May 5-8, 2025
San Jose  Convention Center


Sarah Alamdari

Senior Applied Scientist
Microsoft Research

Currently, I am a Senior Applied Scientist at Microsoft Research on the BioML team, applying generative deep learning approaches to protein design problems. My interests lie broadly at the intersection of machine learning, biology, and molecular simulations. I earned my PhD in Chemical Engineering with a focus in Data Science at the University of Washington in 2021 under the supervision of Jim Pfaendtner as an NSF GRFP Fellow. My PhD work involved using computational models (molecular dynamics, enhanced sampling) and machine learning/statistical analysis to to understand the underlying thermodynamic driving forces in biological and soft-matter systems. I am passionate about equitable access and representation in the computational research space, one of the most underrepresented spaces within STEM. I am deeply invested in increasing access to academia and providing underserved students the tools, guidance, and mentorship they need to be successful.