May 5-8, 2025
San Jose  Convention Center


Richard Kitney

Co-Director of the UK National Industrial Translation Centre for Synthetic Biology
Imperial College London/SynbiCITE

Kitney is Professor of Biomedical Systems Engineering at Imperial College and Co-Director of the UK’s National Industrial Translation Centre for Synthetic Biology/Engineering Biology. He is also Co-Founder of the Imperial College Hub for Synthetic Biology. Kitney is a Fellow of The Royal Academy of Engineering and Chaired the Academy’s Inquiry into Synthetic Biology - and is a member of the UK’s Ministerial Leadership Council for Engineering Biology. He is also a Fellow of The Royal Society of Edinburgh. Kitney (with Professor Paul Freemont) has been responsible for founding and developing the Imperial College Synthetic Biology Hub. In 2013 they won the competition to establish the UK’s national industrial translation centre for synthetic biology - SynbiCITE. The centre interacts with and supports around 80 UK start-ups and SMEs in the field of synthetic biology/engineering biology. Kitney has considerable business experience, particularly in relation to start-ups and SMEs. For example, he was Co-founder and Chairman of Visbion Ltd (until December 2022) – a medical imaging and biomedical information systems company, with over 1000 installations in 10 countries. In 2022 Kitney Co-founded SynBioVen (SBV), a new venture fund focussing on investment in UK Start-ups and SMEs in Synthetic Biology/Engineering Biology. He is a Director of SBV.