May 5-8, 2025
San Jose  Convention Center


Chengwei Luo

Founder and CEO
Quantum Sky

Chengwei founded Quantum Sky to build generative AI that can change the face of bioengineering. The products it generated have already helped several clients create real-world impact. Chengwei has been innovating at the intersection of AI and biotech for over a decade. Previously, he founded a microbiome company to use AI to mine the human microbiome's dark matter for drug development. Prior to these ventures, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and Massachusetts General Hospital, where his work in microbiome and AI was published in Science, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Medicine, and Cell journals, among others. They have received over 8,000 citations to date.Chengwei completed his PhD work at Georgia Tech in three years and received the Best Dissertation Award. He also holds an MS in Theoretical Physics from Peking University and studied Aerospace Engineering and Automation in undergrad.