Levitating particles controlled by a magnetic and acoustic field clump together to form human heart model. (IN society using Stable Diffusion)

Unraveling Space Health with Bioprinted Hearts

Innovative bioprinting platform combines magnetic and acoustic levitation for precise cell deposition, opening new avenues in organoid creation and medical research
Emerging Technologies
Funding & Investments
July 28, 2023

In a daring initiative at the forefront of biomedical research, the PULSE project has clinched a nearly €4 million grant from the European Innovation Council's Pathfinder Open program. The project, arising from dynamic interdisciplinary scientific collaborations, is set to revolutionize bioprinting technology for applications both in outer space and on our home planet. Over the course of five years, the PULSE project aims to drive technological innovations that will not only improve human health but also pave the way for safer and more sustainable space exploration endeavors.

Illustration of the PULSE project platform using magnetic and acoustic levitation to bio print a human heart model. (By IN society)

The hallmark of PULSE's ambitious work lies in its ingenious combination of magnetic and acoustic levitation to create an innovative bioprinting platform. This cutting-edge technology promises unparalleled spatiotemporal control of cell deposition, enabling precise manipulation of biological materials. The outcome will be highly sophisticated and realistic organoids, remarkably mimicking the complexity of corresponding human organs.

One of the key applications of PULSE's groundbreaking bioprinting technology is the development of in vitro, 3D human heart models. These models hold immense significance as indispensable tools for studying the effects of space conditions and radiation on the human cardiovascular system. By offering invaluable insights into cardiac physiology and pathology, these advanced heart models will contribute to the development of preventive and therapeutic solutions not only for astronauts embarking on long-term space missions but also for cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy.

According to Lorenzo Moroni, the esteemed project coordinator and Professor of Biofabrication for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Maastricht, the PULSE project aims to transcend the boundaries of space research and healthcare on Earth. “Bioprinted organoids that closely replicate the complexity of human organs have the potential to reduce the reliance on animal experimentation and provide a more accurate and efficient platform to study disease mechanisms and evaluate drug responses,” states Moroni.

The PULSE project has united leading organizations in their respective domains, including the University of Maastricht (The Netherlands), Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg (Germany), Medical University of Graz (Austria), SCK CEN Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (Belgium), RDInnovation (Denmark), Space Applications Services (Belgium), and IN society (Italy). Leveraging their collective expertise and vast resources, this consortium of institutions is poised to achieve groundbreaking advancements at the intersection of bioprinting, space medicine, and heart disease research.

This ambitious undertaking underscores PULSE's unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of scientific inquiry and technological innovation. Fueled by a desire to unlock the mysteries of human health and well-being in both space and terrestrial living, the project embarks on a transformative journey that may reshape the future of medical research and space exploration.

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Unraveling Space Health with Bioprinted Hearts

July 28, 2023
Levitating particles controlled by a magnetic and acoustic field clump together to form human heart model. (IN society using Stable Diffusion)

Unraveling Space Health with Bioprinted Hearts

July 28, 2023
Levitating particles controlled by a magnetic and acoustic field clump together to form human heart model. (IN society using Stable Diffusion)

In a daring initiative at the forefront of biomedical research, the PULSE project has clinched a nearly €4 million grant from the European Innovation Council's Pathfinder Open program. The project, arising from dynamic interdisciplinary scientific collaborations, is set to revolutionize bioprinting technology for applications both in outer space and on our home planet. Over the course of five years, the PULSE project aims to drive technological innovations that will not only improve human health but also pave the way for safer and more sustainable space exploration endeavors.

Illustration of the PULSE project platform using magnetic and acoustic levitation to bio print a human heart model. (By IN society)

The hallmark of PULSE's ambitious work lies in its ingenious combination of magnetic and acoustic levitation to create an innovative bioprinting platform. This cutting-edge technology promises unparalleled spatiotemporal control of cell deposition, enabling precise manipulation of biological materials. The outcome will be highly sophisticated and realistic organoids, remarkably mimicking the complexity of corresponding human organs.

One of the key applications of PULSE's groundbreaking bioprinting technology is the development of in vitro, 3D human heart models. These models hold immense significance as indispensable tools for studying the effects of space conditions and radiation on the human cardiovascular system. By offering invaluable insights into cardiac physiology and pathology, these advanced heart models will contribute to the development of preventive and therapeutic solutions not only for astronauts embarking on long-term space missions but also for cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy.

According to Lorenzo Moroni, the esteemed project coordinator and Professor of Biofabrication for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Maastricht, the PULSE project aims to transcend the boundaries of space research and healthcare on Earth. “Bioprinted organoids that closely replicate the complexity of human organs have the potential to reduce the reliance on animal experimentation and provide a more accurate and efficient platform to study disease mechanisms and evaluate drug responses,” states Moroni.

The PULSE project has united leading organizations in their respective domains, including the University of Maastricht (The Netherlands), Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg (Germany), Medical University of Graz (Austria), SCK CEN Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (Belgium), RDInnovation (Denmark), Space Applications Services (Belgium), and IN society (Italy). Leveraging their collective expertise and vast resources, this consortium of institutions is poised to achieve groundbreaking advancements at the intersection of bioprinting, space medicine, and heart disease research.

This ambitious undertaking underscores PULSE's unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of scientific inquiry and technological innovation. Fueled by a desire to unlock the mysteries of human health and well-being in both space and terrestrial living, the project embarks on a transformative journey that may reshape the future of medical research and space exploration.

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