Science Photo Library (Canva)

The Bioaction Project’s Innovative Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance

The novel approach could reduce reliance on extended antibiotic therapies, potentially revolutionizing infection treatment methods and contributing significantly to the global fight against antimicrobial resistance
Health & Medicine
Emerging Technologies
July 27, 2023

In the ceaseless struggle against infections and the escalating threat of microbial resistance, healthcare faces a formidable adversary. Implant-associated infections, a significant contributor to this issue, heighten the risk of device rejection, jeopardizing patient health and fueling the antimicrobial resistance crisis. Traditional treatments, including extended antibiotic courses, often fall short of these tenacious bacterial colonies, further intensifying the problem.

Bioaction, a trailblazing project, is daring to rethink the conventional approach. Instead of directly battling pathogenic bacteria, Bioaction harnesses them as beneficial partners to foster tissue regeneration and improve implant integration. This innovative perspective signals a seismic shift in the way infections are addressed.

This image is a density-dependent colored scanning of a piece of hydrogel using an electron microscope. Within the imaged hydrogel, regions higher in salt content are visualized as blue colored regions, while less dense areas formed mainly by acrylamide are shown as red/purple. (Hydrogel World by Elena Tsolaki, Empa for SNSF Scientific Image Competition is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.)

The European Innovation Council's Pathfinder Open Program, renowned for its dedication to nurturing groundbreaking innovations that redefine the limits of scientific exploration and technological progress, has thrown its weight behind the Bioaction project. A substantial 3.4 million EUR in funding will fuel the project's ambitious objectives.

Over the coming four years, Bioaction will focus on creating functional bio-hydrogels that can instigate local physiological process remodeling to expedite healing and stimulate bone growth. These bio-hydrogels will be designed for minimally invasive delivery, either as injectable materials or implant coatings.

The project's researchers will rigorously validate the technology using clinically relevant models for dental implants and permanent transcutaneous prostheses. However, the transformative potential of Bioaction extends far beyond these specific applications. By reducing dependence on prolonged antibiotic therapies and lowering failure rates, this pioneering initiative could radically alter infection treatment methodologies. Ultimately, Bioaction aims to enhance patient quality of life while making a significant dent in the global fight against antimicrobial resistance.

Luigi Ambrosio, project coordinator at the Institute of Polymers, Composites, and Biomaterials—National Research Council (CNR), stated, “The Bioaction project proposes a visionary approach that will be pursued thanks to real interdisciplinarity. Our partners’ diverse expertise and skills in synthetic biology, biomaterials, microbiology, and beyond will surely be the basis for the project’s success.”

The project unites four research centers, two universities, and two companies from five European countries. These include the Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials and Institute for Biological Systems from CNR, the Bioengineering Institute of Catalonia, the AO Research Institute Davos, the University of Liège, the University of Eastern Piedmont, Ferentis, and IN society. All partners participated in Bioaction’s inaugural meeting, which was held in Naples on 26 April 2023.

Through this collective endeavor, Bioaction is positioned at the vanguard of innovation, ready to transform the field of infection treatment and tissue regeneration, thereby enhancing the quality of life for patients globally.

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The Bioaction Project’s Innovative Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance

July 27, 2023
Science Photo Library (Canva)

The Bioaction Project’s Innovative Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance

July 27, 2023
Science Photo Library (Canva)

In the ceaseless struggle against infections and the escalating threat of microbial resistance, healthcare faces a formidable adversary. Implant-associated infections, a significant contributor to this issue, heighten the risk of device rejection, jeopardizing patient health and fueling the antimicrobial resistance crisis. Traditional treatments, including extended antibiotic courses, often fall short of these tenacious bacterial colonies, further intensifying the problem.

Bioaction, a trailblazing project, is daring to rethink the conventional approach. Instead of directly battling pathogenic bacteria, Bioaction harnesses them as beneficial partners to foster tissue regeneration and improve implant integration. This innovative perspective signals a seismic shift in the way infections are addressed.

This image is a density-dependent colored scanning of a piece of hydrogel using an electron microscope. Within the imaged hydrogel, regions higher in salt content are visualized as blue colored regions, while less dense areas formed mainly by acrylamide are shown as red/purple. (Hydrogel World by Elena Tsolaki, Empa for SNSF Scientific Image Competition is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.)

The European Innovation Council's Pathfinder Open Program, renowned for its dedication to nurturing groundbreaking innovations that redefine the limits of scientific exploration and technological progress, has thrown its weight behind the Bioaction project. A substantial 3.4 million EUR in funding will fuel the project's ambitious objectives.

Over the coming four years, Bioaction will focus on creating functional bio-hydrogels that can instigate local physiological process remodeling to expedite healing and stimulate bone growth. These bio-hydrogels will be designed for minimally invasive delivery, either as injectable materials or implant coatings.

The project's researchers will rigorously validate the technology using clinically relevant models for dental implants and permanent transcutaneous prostheses. However, the transformative potential of Bioaction extends far beyond these specific applications. By reducing dependence on prolonged antibiotic therapies and lowering failure rates, this pioneering initiative could radically alter infection treatment methodologies. Ultimately, Bioaction aims to enhance patient quality of life while making a significant dent in the global fight against antimicrobial resistance.

Luigi Ambrosio, project coordinator at the Institute of Polymers, Composites, and Biomaterials—National Research Council (CNR), stated, “The Bioaction project proposes a visionary approach that will be pursued thanks to real interdisciplinarity. Our partners’ diverse expertise and skills in synthetic biology, biomaterials, microbiology, and beyond will surely be the basis for the project’s success.”

The project unites four research centers, two universities, and two companies from five European countries. These include the Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials and Institute for Biological Systems from CNR, the Bioengineering Institute of Catalonia, the AO Research Institute Davos, the University of Liège, the University of Eastern Piedmont, Ferentis, and IN society. All partners participated in Bioaction’s inaugural meeting, which was held in Naples on 26 April 2023.

Through this collective endeavor, Bioaction is positioned at the vanguard of innovation, ready to transform the field of infection treatment and tissue regeneration, thereby enhancing the quality of life for patients globally.

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