Neil Goldsmith joins Unibio's board of directors

Food & Nutrition
March 28, 2018

Unibio Group is pleased to announce the appointment of Neil Goldsmith as a new member of the board of directors. Mr. Goldsmith is 54, and has more than 30 years of entrepreneurial experience from the life science sector and a proven track record of commercialising ground-breaking products and successfully transforming ideas into global business with stock market listings.Mr. Goldsmith’s appointment expands the size of the board to six members.“Unibio has really impressed me with the progress they have made, somewhat under the radar, over the last few years. For venture backed companies to bring their processes to full scale production and commercial launch is no easy feat, yet Unibio have managed it. And the need Unibio addresses – providing high quality, non-animal, protein and other nutritional inputs in an affordable, high volume, environmentally beneficial manner, is one of the most important in the modern world” said Neil.From 2004 to 2017 Mr. Goldsmith was co-founder, CEO and board member of Evolva SA, taking it from a startup biotech venture to a leading synthetic biology company listed on the Swiss stock exchange. He was previously a co-founder of Topotarget A/S, which listed on the Copenhagen exchange, and of Personal Chemistry AB, which became Biotage AB, and is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm. Previous to that he held management roles in Phytera Inc, PNAD A/S and Biacore AB, amongst other life science ventures. He holds a 1st class honours degree in Zoology from Balliol College, Oxford University and set up his first company straight out of university in 1984. In addition to serving as a member of Unibio’s board, Mr. Goldsmith is a board member of Double Bioventures Ltd and Prospero Biotech Ltd.“As CEO and board member of Unibio I am excited to begin working with Neil. He brings a lot of experience from the industry, and I am confident that he will add a lot of value to our team”, said Henrik Busch-Larsen. He continued, “Neil joins Unibio at an interesting time where we are about to commission the first full-scale plant, and I am sure he will be key to Unibio achieving our strategic goal of becoming one of the leading methane-to-protein companies in the world”.

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Neil Goldsmith joins Unibio's board of directors

March 28, 2018

Neil Goldsmith joins Unibio's board of directors

March 28, 2018

Unibio Group is pleased to announce the appointment of Neil Goldsmith as a new member of the board of directors. Mr. Goldsmith is 54, and has more than 30 years of entrepreneurial experience from the life science sector and a proven track record of commercialising ground-breaking products and successfully transforming ideas into global business with stock market listings.Mr. Goldsmith’s appointment expands the size of the board to six members.“Unibio has really impressed me with the progress they have made, somewhat under the radar, over the last few years. For venture backed companies to bring their processes to full scale production and commercial launch is no easy feat, yet Unibio have managed it. And the need Unibio addresses – providing high quality, non-animal, protein and other nutritional inputs in an affordable, high volume, environmentally beneficial manner, is one of the most important in the modern world” said Neil.From 2004 to 2017 Mr. Goldsmith was co-founder, CEO and board member of Evolva SA, taking it from a startup biotech venture to a leading synthetic biology company listed on the Swiss stock exchange. He was previously a co-founder of Topotarget A/S, which listed on the Copenhagen exchange, and of Personal Chemistry AB, which became Biotage AB, and is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm. Previous to that he held management roles in Phytera Inc, PNAD A/S and Biacore AB, amongst other life science ventures. He holds a 1st class honours degree in Zoology from Balliol College, Oxford University and set up his first company straight out of university in 1984. In addition to serving as a member of Unibio’s board, Mr. Goldsmith is a board member of Double Bioventures Ltd and Prospero Biotech Ltd.“As CEO and board member of Unibio I am excited to begin working with Neil. He brings a lot of experience from the industry, and I am confident that he will add a lot of value to our team”, said Henrik Busch-Larsen. He continued, “Neil joins Unibio at an interesting time where we are about to commission the first full-scale plant, and I am sure he will be key to Unibio achieving our strategic goal of becoming one of the leading methane-to-protein companies in the world”.

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