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How Brain-Fat Interactions Can Lead to Healthier Aging

Washington University researchers discover a vital brain-fat feedback loop that slows aging, promising a future of increased longevity and improved health
Health & Medicine
January 8, 2024

Imagine the body as a complex network, a symphony of organs and systems harmoniously communicating. In youth, this network is robust, but as time marches on, the once-lively conversations between organs dwindle, leaving them isolated and less efficient. It's this degradation of internal dialogue that accelerates aging, an enigma that has long intrigued scientists.

Enter the researchers from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, who have turned their gaze to a specific duo: the brain and body fat. In their study, published recently in Cell Metabolism, they unveil a crucial feedback loop between these two, pivotal in energy production, and how its decline is synonymous with aging.

The cast of this biological drama includes neurons in the brain's hypothalamus and white adipose tissue, the type of fat found beneath our skin and around organs. The neurons, when activated, signal the fat tissue to release energy. It's a dance of molecular and electrical impulses choreographed by a protein named Ppp1r17. When present, this protein keeps the neurons active, fueling the body's fight or flight response—a cascade of reactions that not only primes us for action but also ensures our brain is well-fueled.

Senior author Shin-ichiro Imai, MD, PhD, eloquently states, "We demonstrated a way to delay aging and extend healthy life spans in mice by manipulating an important part of the brain." This manipulation involves keeping the protein Ppp1r17 in the nucleus of the neurons, ensuring that the feedback loop remains robust. The results? Mice that not only lived longer but also showed signs of delayed aging, such as more physical activity and healthier appearances.

Kyohei Tokizane, PhD, a key contributor to the research, emphasizes the significance of maintaining this loop. As mice age, the protein tends to vacate the neuron's nucleus, weakening the signals and leading to a decline in the nervous system's reach within the fat tissue. The consequence? Fat accumulation, weight gain, and a dearth of energy for the brain and other tissues.

The study's findings are not just a scientific curiosity but a potential roadmap to human longevity. Imagine extending life by 7%, akin to gifting approximately five more years to a typical 75-year lifespan. It's a prospect that tantalizes both the public and the scientific community.

Looking ahead, Imai and his team are exploring ways to sustain this vital brain-fat communication. One promising avenue is supplementing mice with eNAMPT, the enzyme from fat tissue that reinvigorates the brain. Delivered in extracellular vesicles, a natural cellular package, eNAMPT could be the key to unlocking extended health and lifespan.

In a world where aging is often viewed as an inexorable decline, this study offers a glimmer of hope. It suggests that the secret to longevity might lie in the intricate dialogues within our bodies, a concept that's as poetic as it is scientific. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of aging, studies like this remind us that sometimes, the answers lie in the connections we least expect.

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How Brain-Fat Interactions Can Lead to Healthier Aging

January 8, 2024
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How Brain-Fat Interactions Can Lead to Healthier Aging

January 8, 2024
AI Image Created Using DALL-E

Imagine the body as a complex network, a symphony of organs and systems harmoniously communicating. In youth, this network is robust, but as time marches on, the once-lively conversations between organs dwindle, leaving them isolated and less efficient. It's this degradation of internal dialogue that accelerates aging, an enigma that has long intrigued scientists.

Enter the researchers from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, who have turned their gaze to a specific duo: the brain and body fat. In their study, published recently in Cell Metabolism, they unveil a crucial feedback loop between these two, pivotal in energy production, and how its decline is synonymous with aging.

The cast of this biological drama includes neurons in the brain's hypothalamus and white adipose tissue, the type of fat found beneath our skin and around organs. The neurons, when activated, signal the fat tissue to release energy. It's a dance of molecular and electrical impulses choreographed by a protein named Ppp1r17. When present, this protein keeps the neurons active, fueling the body's fight or flight response—a cascade of reactions that not only primes us for action but also ensures our brain is well-fueled.

Senior author Shin-ichiro Imai, MD, PhD, eloquently states, "We demonstrated a way to delay aging and extend healthy life spans in mice by manipulating an important part of the brain." This manipulation involves keeping the protein Ppp1r17 in the nucleus of the neurons, ensuring that the feedback loop remains robust. The results? Mice that not only lived longer but also showed signs of delayed aging, such as more physical activity and healthier appearances.

Kyohei Tokizane, PhD, a key contributor to the research, emphasizes the significance of maintaining this loop. As mice age, the protein tends to vacate the neuron's nucleus, weakening the signals and leading to a decline in the nervous system's reach within the fat tissue. The consequence? Fat accumulation, weight gain, and a dearth of energy for the brain and other tissues.

The study's findings are not just a scientific curiosity but a potential roadmap to human longevity. Imagine extending life by 7%, akin to gifting approximately five more years to a typical 75-year lifespan. It's a prospect that tantalizes both the public and the scientific community.

Looking ahead, Imai and his team are exploring ways to sustain this vital brain-fat communication. One promising avenue is supplementing mice with eNAMPT, the enzyme from fat tissue that reinvigorates the brain. Delivered in extracellular vesicles, a natural cellular package, eNAMPT could be the key to unlocking extended health and lifespan.

In a world where aging is often viewed as an inexorable decline, this study offers a glimmer of hope. It suggests that the secret to longevity might lie in the intricate dialogues within our bodies, a concept that's as poetic as it is scientific. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of aging, studies like this remind us that sometimes, the answers lie in the connections we least expect.

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