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Harnessing Floral Superpowers for Cleaner, Greener Medicines

Scientists at the University of Bath have innovatively used cyclic peptides inspired by a tropical flower to enhance the stability and efficiency of drug development
Biomanufacturing, Chemicals & Materials
Health & Medicine
November 28, 2023

In a brilliant stroke of bioengineering, scientists at the University of Bath are channeling nature's own genius to revolutionize pharmaceutical manufacturing. Their tool, born from the elegant simplicity of a tropical flower, could be a game-changer in developing new drugs - cleaner, greener, and more cost-effective.

At the heart of this innovation is a rethinking of drug design. Traditional small molecule drugs, while effective, often fall short in blocking protein interactions pivotal in disease mechanisms. Enter peptides, small proteins, poised as the next frontier in pharmaceuticals. They mimic nature’s own molecules but aren’t without challenges—fragile structures, temperature sensitivity, and the Herculean task of infiltrating human cells.

Researchers used an enzyme from the flower Oldenlandia affinis, which uses cyclic peptides as a defense against predators. [Peter Warren]

Here's where the Bath team's breakthrough shines. They've discovered a way to engineer these peptides into more robust forms by creating 'cyclic' versions—a feat akin to tying the ends of a string to form a loop. This not only enhances their stability but eases their entry into cells.

The technique is ingeniously simple yet profound. Leveraging an enzyme from Oldenlandia affinis, a modest purple flower from the tropics, the scientists modified it and introduced it into bacteria. This step is revolutionary - the bacteria become microscopic factories, churning out these enhanced proteins in a sustainable, efficient process.

Typically, plants perform this 'cyclization' naturally but at a sluggish pace. Chemical methods exist, too, but they're marred by complexity and environmental unfriendliness. The bacterial method, in contrast, is a masterclass in efficiency and eco-friendliness, slashing steps and ditching toxic chemicals.

To put their method to the test, the team applied it to a protein called DHFR, achieving greater temperature resistance while preserving its function. Professor Jody Mason, a key figure in this research, captures the essence of this innovation: “Proteins and peptides are generally quite sensitive to heat, but cyclization makes them much more robust. So we’ve harnessed this flower super create a really powerful tool that will help the drug discovery industry.”

Dr. Simon Tang, another pivotal researcher, echoes this enthusiasm, highlighting the method's promise beyond pharmaceuticals - in the food, detergent, biotech, and bioenergy sectors.

What's clear is that this isn't just about making drugs. It's about reimagining how we make them - in a way that's aligned with the needs of a planet grappling with environmental challenges. It’s a testament to the power of looking to nature for solutions, a principle that could redefine industries.

As the researchers move forward, having filed a patent and published their work in the Journal of the American Chemical Society Gold (JACS Au), the implications are vast. It's a promising horizon for drug development and, perhaps, a blueprint for how science can harmonize with nature for a more sustainable future.

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Harnessing Floral Superpowers for Cleaner, Greener Medicines

November 28, 2023
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Harnessing Floral Superpowers for Cleaner, Greener Medicines

November 28, 2023
AI Image Created Using DALL-E

In a brilliant stroke of bioengineering, scientists at the University of Bath are channeling nature's own genius to revolutionize pharmaceutical manufacturing. Their tool, born from the elegant simplicity of a tropical flower, could be a game-changer in developing new drugs - cleaner, greener, and more cost-effective.

At the heart of this innovation is a rethinking of drug design. Traditional small molecule drugs, while effective, often fall short in blocking protein interactions pivotal in disease mechanisms. Enter peptides, small proteins, poised as the next frontier in pharmaceuticals. They mimic nature’s own molecules but aren’t without challenges—fragile structures, temperature sensitivity, and the Herculean task of infiltrating human cells.

Researchers used an enzyme from the flower Oldenlandia affinis, which uses cyclic peptides as a defense against predators. [Peter Warren]

Here's where the Bath team's breakthrough shines. They've discovered a way to engineer these peptides into more robust forms by creating 'cyclic' versions—a feat akin to tying the ends of a string to form a loop. This not only enhances their stability but eases their entry into cells.

The technique is ingeniously simple yet profound. Leveraging an enzyme from Oldenlandia affinis, a modest purple flower from the tropics, the scientists modified it and introduced it into bacteria. This step is revolutionary - the bacteria become microscopic factories, churning out these enhanced proteins in a sustainable, efficient process.

Typically, plants perform this 'cyclization' naturally but at a sluggish pace. Chemical methods exist, too, but they're marred by complexity and environmental unfriendliness. The bacterial method, in contrast, is a masterclass in efficiency and eco-friendliness, slashing steps and ditching toxic chemicals.

To put their method to the test, the team applied it to a protein called DHFR, achieving greater temperature resistance while preserving its function. Professor Jody Mason, a key figure in this research, captures the essence of this innovation: “Proteins and peptides are generally quite sensitive to heat, but cyclization makes them much more robust. So we’ve harnessed this flower super create a really powerful tool that will help the drug discovery industry.”

Dr. Simon Tang, another pivotal researcher, echoes this enthusiasm, highlighting the method's promise beyond pharmaceuticals - in the food, detergent, biotech, and bioenergy sectors.

What's clear is that this isn't just about making drugs. It's about reimagining how we make them - in a way that's aligned with the needs of a planet grappling with environmental challenges. It’s a testament to the power of looking to nature for solutions, a principle that could redefine industries.

As the researchers move forward, having filed a patent and published their work in the Journal of the American Chemical Society Gold (JACS Au), the implications are vast. It's a promising horizon for drug development and, perhaps, a blueprint for how science can harmonize with nature for a more sustainable future.

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