ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, September 17, 2018— Ecovia Renewables Inc. announced today that the company was awarded a $500,000 Phase IIB Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to expand the scope of their current NSF Phase II proposal, entitled "SBIR Phase II: Efficient Production of a High Performance and Eco-Friendly Superabsorbent Microbial Biopolymer for Hygiene Applications.” Ecovia Renewables will utilize its microbial fermentation process and downstream capabilities to develop a suite of low-cost, high-performing Ecovia™ Biopolymer products for use in agricultural and horticultural applications.“There is a significant unmet need for high-performing, biodegradable superabsorbents in agriculture and horticulture,” says Dr. Jeremy Minty, President of Ecovia Renewables and Primary Investigator on the grant. “Superabsorbents have been shown to improve water retention in soils and growing media and can reduce watering requirements, particularly in drought-stricken areas.”Superabsorbent polymers (“SAPs”) are used in a variety of applications, from hygiene to agriculture to packaging, and are primarily composed of petrochemical-based synthetic polymers like polyacrylate and polyacrylamide. There are growing concerns with the use of petrochemical-based SAPs, particularly acrylamide, classified by the EPA as a Group B2 probable human carcinogen and included on California’s Proposition 65 list of chemicals known to cause cancer and/or reproductive toxicity. Despite this, they remain ubiquitous in many consumer products for their low-cost, stability, and functionality.Due to global challenges arising from water scarcity and the environmental and regulatory impacts from accumulating synthetic plastics in the environment, biobased and biodegradable Ecovia™ Biopolymers offer an eco-friendly solution while remaining functional and cost-effective.###About Ecovia Renewables:Ecovia Renewables Inc. is a privately-held biotechnology company focused on the research and development of high-performing biobased materials and ingredients. It was spun-out from the University of Michigan in 2014 to commercialize Dr. Nina Lin and Dr. Jeremy Minty’s pioneering research on engineering custom microbial systems. More information about Ecovia Renewables is available on the company website at or can be requested by emailing bd(at)ecoviarenewables(dot)com.About the National Science Foundation's Small Business Programs:The National Science Foundation (NSF) awards nearly $190 million annually to startups and small businesses through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program, transforming scientific discovery into products and services with commercial and societal impact. The non-dilutive grants support research and development (R&D) across almost all areas of science and technology helping companies de-risk technology for commercial success. The NSF is an independent federal agency with a budget of about $7 billion that supports fundamental research and education across all fields of science and engineering. To learn more about the NSF SBIR/STTR program, visit:
ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, September 17, 2018— Ecovia Renewables Inc. announced today that the company was awarded a $500,000 Phase IIB Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to expand the scope of their current NSF Phase II proposal, entitled "SBIR Phase II: Efficient Production of a High Performance and Eco-Friendly Superabsorbent Microbial Biopolymer for Hygiene Applications.” Ecovia Renewables will utilize its microbial fermentation process and downstream capabilities to develop a suite of low-cost, high-performing Ecovia™ Biopolymer products for use in agricultural and horticultural applications.“There is a significant unmet need for high-performing, biodegradable superabsorbents in agriculture and horticulture,” says Dr. Jeremy Minty, President of Ecovia Renewables and Primary Investigator on the grant. “Superabsorbents have been shown to improve water retention in soils and growing media and can reduce watering requirements, particularly in drought-stricken areas.”Superabsorbent polymers (“SAPs”) are used in a variety of applications, from hygiene to agriculture to packaging, and are primarily composed of petrochemical-based synthetic polymers like polyacrylate and polyacrylamide. There are growing concerns with the use of petrochemical-based SAPs, particularly acrylamide, classified by the EPA as a Group B2 probable human carcinogen and included on California’s Proposition 65 list of chemicals known to cause cancer and/or reproductive toxicity. Despite this, they remain ubiquitous in many consumer products for their low-cost, stability, and functionality.Due to global challenges arising from water scarcity and the environmental and regulatory impacts from accumulating synthetic plastics in the environment, biobased and biodegradable Ecovia™ Biopolymers offer an eco-friendly solution while remaining functional and cost-effective.###About Ecovia Renewables:Ecovia Renewables Inc. is a privately-held biotechnology company focused on the research and development of high-performing biobased materials and ingredients. It was spun-out from the University of Michigan in 2014 to commercialize Dr. Nina Lin and Dr. Jeremy Minty’s pioneering research on engineering custom microbial systems. More information about Ecovia Renewables is available on the company website at or can be requested by emailing bd(at)ecoviarenewables(dot)com.About the National Science Foundation's Small Business Programs:The National Science Foundation (NSF) awards nearly $190 million annually to startups and small businesses through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program, transforming scientific discovery into products and services with commercial and societal impact. The non-dilutive grants support research and development (R&D) across almost all areas of science and technology helping companies de-risk technology for commercial success. The NSF is an independent federal agency with a budget of about $7 billion that supports fundamental research and education across all fields of science and engineering. To learn more about the NSF SBIR/STTR program, visit: