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E. coli's New Diet: Feasting on CO2 for a Healthier Planet

Researchers at the Max-Planck-Institute are turning the climate crisis on its head by converting CO2 into vital biochemicals through the groundbreaking THETA cycle
Energy & Environment
Emerging Technologies
January 2, 2024

At the cutting edge of scientific innovation, where the battle against the climate crisis is waged with pipettes and petri dishes, a team of intrepid researchers at the Max-Planck-Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology are rewriting the rules of biochemistry. In a world gasping under the weight of carbon dioxide, these scientific pioneers are not merely studying life; they are redesigning it, molecule by molecule. They've embarked on a quest that sounds like the stuff of science fiction: turning the very agent of our atmospheric woes, CO2, into a cornerstone of biological innovation, Acetyl-CoA. This isn't just research; it's a revolution, a daring leap into the unknown with the potential to reshape our world.

Now, this isn't just an academic exercise. Developing new ways for the capture and conversion of CO2 is key to tackling the climate emergency, one might muse, echoing the sentiment of a collective grappling with environmental degradation. Synthetic biology, the researchers argue, is not just an academic discipline but a beacon of hope, offering new-to-nature CO2-fixation pathways that could surpass nature's own designs.

Tobias Erb's team, a cadre of modern-day alchemists, has constructed the THETA cycle, a synthetic CO2-fixation pathway containing several central metabolites as intermediates. This pathway is a marvel, designed around the two fastest CO2-fixing enzymes known, which, unlike the sluggish RubisCO in natural photosynthesis, capture CO2 at a rate ten times faster. "Evolution itself has not brought these capable enzymes together in natural photosynthesis," a fact that underscores humanity's unique role in forging new paths.

The THETA cycle is no mere academic curiosity. It converts CO2 into acetyl-CoA, a compound of great interest in biotechnological applications, serving as the building block for biofuels, biomaterials, and pharmaceuticals. The researchers' journey wasn't just about constructing the cycle but optimizing it, improving the acetyl-CoA yield by a factor of 100 through a combination of rational and machine learning-guided optimization. Findings from the new study were published recently in Nature Catalysis.

But this narrative isn't solely about triumph. "What is special about this cycle is that it contains several intermediates that serve as central metabolites in the bacterium's metabolism," explains Shanshan Luo, the lead author of the study. The team managed to implement parts of the THETA cycle into E. coli, verifying the functionality of these modules through growth-coupled selection and isotopic labeling. However, closing the entire cycle so that E. coli can grow completely with CO2 remains a significant challenge, necessitating the synchronization of all 17 reactions with the natural metabolism of E. coli.

Yet, as Luo notes, the journey doesn't end with demonstrating the whole cycle in vivo. The potential of the THETA cycle as a versatile platform for producing valuable compounds directly from CO2 through extending its output molecule, acetyl-CoA, is where the future lies. "Our cycle has the potential to become a versatile platform for producing valuable compounds directly from CO2," she states, a vision of a future where synthetic biology becomes an instrumental part of our ecological strategy.

Tobias Erb adds a final note, reflecting on the broader implications of their work. “Bringing parts of the THETA cycle into living cells is an important proof-of-principle for synthetic biology,” he says. This isn't just about creating a synthetic autotrophic operating system for the cell but about reimagining our relationship with nature and our role within it. As we stand on the precipice of ecological catastrophe, initiatives like the THETA cycle aren't just scientific endeavors; they're acts of hope, a testament to human ingenuity and our relentless pursuit of solutions in the face of the greatest challenge of our time.

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E. coli's New Diet: Feasting on CO2 for a Healthier Planet

January 2, 2024
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E. coli's New Diet: Feasting on CO2 for a Healthier Planet

January 2, 2024
AI Image Created Using DALLE

At the cutting edge of scientific innovation, where the battle against the climate crisis is waged with pipettes and petri dishes, a team of intrepid researchers at the Max-Planck-Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology are rewriting the rules of biochemistry. In a world gasping under the weight of carbon dioxide, these scientific pioneers are not merely studying life; they are redesigning it, molecule by molecule. They've embarked on a quest that sounds like the stuff of science fiction: turning the very agent of our atmospheric woes, CO2, into a cornerstone of biological innovation, Acetyl-CoA. This isn't just research; it's a revolution, a daring leap into the unknown with the potential to reshape our world.

Now, this isn't just an academic exercise. Developing new ways for the capture and conversion of CO2 is key to tackling the climate emergency, one might muse, echoing the sentiment of a collective grappling with environmental degradation. Synthetic biology, the researchers argue, is not just an academic discipline but a beacon of hope, offering new-to-nature CO2-fixation pathways that could surpass nature's own designs.

Tobias Erb's team, a cadre of modern-day alchemists, has constructed the THETA cycle, a synthetic CO2-fixation pathway containing several central metabolites as intermediates. This pathway is a marvel, designed around the two fastest CO2-fixing enzymes known, which, unlike the sluggish RubisCO in natural photosynthesis, capture CO2 at a rate ten times faster. "Evolution itself has not brought these capable enzymes together in natural photosynthesis," a fact that underscores humanity's unique role in forging new paths.

The THETA cycle is no mere academic curiosity. It converts CO2 into acetyl-CoA, a compound of great interest in biotechnological applications, serving as the building block for biofuels, biomaterials, and pharmaceuticals. The researchers' journey wasn't just about constructing the cycle but optimizing it, improving the acetyl-CoA yield by a factor of 100 through a combination of rational and machine learning-guided optimization. Findings from the new study were published recently in Nature Catalysis.

But this narrative isn't solely about triumph. "What is special about this cycle is that it contains several intermediates that serve as central metabolites in the bacterium's metabolism," explains Shanshan Luo, the lead author of the study. The team managed to implement parts of the THETA cycle into E. coli, verifying the functionality of these modules through growth-coupled selection and isotopic labeling. However, closing the entire cycle so that E. coli can grow completely with CO2 remains a significant challenge, necessitating the synchronization of all 17 reactions with the natural metabolism of E. coli.

Yet, as Luo notes, the journey doesn't end with demonstrating the whole cycle in vivo. The potential of the THETA cycle as a versatile platform for producing valuable compounds directly from CO2 through extending its output molecule, acetyl-CoA, is where the future lies. "Our cycle has the potential to become a versatile platform for producing valuable compounds directly from CO2," she states, a vision of a future where synthetic biology becomes an instrumental part of our ecological strategy.

Tobias Erb adds a final note, reflecting on the broader implications of their work. “Bringing parts of the THETA cycle into living cells is an important proof-of-principle for synthetic biology,” he says. This isn't just about creating a synthetic autotrophic operating system for the cell but about reimagining our relationship with nature and our role within it. As we stand on the precipice of ecological catastrophe, initiatives like the THETA cycle aren't just scientific endeavors; they're acts of hope, a testament to human ingenuity and our relentless pursuit of solutions in the face of the greatest challenge of our time.

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