Clariant enters next phase with Global Bioenergies’ renewable isobutene for high-value application

Energy & Environment
February 26, 2017

Evry (France), 22 February 2017 – Global Bioenergies (Alternext Paris: ALGBE) announces that, triggered by the successful completion of a first series of tests of its renewable isobutene for a high-value application, Clariant has now ordered a larger batch of renewable isobutene for a second phase of evaluation.Clariant is a Swiss stock-market listed company with revenues exceeding 5 billion euros in 2015, active in a variety of chemical markets.In June last year, Global Bioenergies had provided Clariant with a first sample of its renewable isobutene on which Clariant then successfully carried out first chemical tests and analysis.As a next step, Clariant has now purchased a larger batch of renewable isobutene in order to run more comprehensive tests over several reaction steps as well as functional assays.Marc Delcourt, CEO of Global Bioenergies comments: “We are pleased to see that Clariant has a concrete vision on how to bring this high-value application of our renewable isobutene into the market. This second phase paves the way for deliveries in commercial scale quantities once the first renewable isobutene commercial plant will be up and running.”


Global Bioenergies is one of the few companies worldwide, and the only one in Europe, that is developing a process to convert renewable resources into hydrocarbons through fermentation. The Company initially focused its efforts on the production of isobutene, one of the most important petrochemical building blocks that can be converted into fuels, plastics, organic glass and elastomers. Global Bioenergies continues to improve the performance of its process, operates an industrial pilot, has started operations at its demo plant in Germany, and is preparing its first full-scale plant through a joint venture with Cristal Union, named IBN-One. The company also replicated its achievement to propylene and butadiene, two members of the gaseous olefins family, key molecules at the heart of petrochemical industry. Global Bioenergies is listed on Alternext, Euronext Paris (FR0011052257 – ALGBE).

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Clariant enters next phase with Global Bioenergies’ renewable isobutene for high-value application

February 26, 2017

Clariant enters next phase with Global Bioenergies’ renewable isobutene for high-value application

February 26, 2017

Evry (France), 22 February 2017 – Global Bioenergies (Alternext Paris: ALGBE) announces that, triggered by the successful completion of a first series of tests of its renewable isobutene for a high-value application, Clariant has now ordered a larger batch of renewable isobutene for a second phase of evaluation.Clariant is a Swiss stock-market listed company with revenues exceeding 5 billion euros in 2015, active in a variety of chemical markets.In June last year, Global Bioenergies had provided Clariant with a first sample of its renewable isobutene on which Clariant then successfully carried out first chemical tests and analysis.As a next step, Clariant has now purchased a larger batch of renewable isobutene in order to run more comprehensive tests over several reaction steps as well as functional assays.Marc Delcourt, CEO of Global Bioenergies comments: “We are pleased to see that Clariant has a concrete vision on how to bring this high-value application of our renewable isobutene into the market. This second phase paves the way for deliveries in commercial scale quantities once the first renewable isobutene commercial plant will be up and running.”


Global Bioenergies is one of the few companies worldwide, and the only one in Europe, that is developing a process to convert renewable resources into hydrocarbons through fermentation. The Company initially focused its efforts on the production of isobutene, one of the most important petrochemical building blocks that can be converted into fuels, plastics, organic glass and elastomers. Global Bioenergies continues to improve the performance of its process, operates an industrial pilot, has started operations at its demo plant in Germany, and is preparing its first full-scale plant through a joint venture with Cristal Union, named IBN-One. The company also replicated its achievement to propylene and butadiene, two members of the gaseous olefins family, key molecules at the heart of petrochemical industry. Global Bioenergies is listed on Alternext, Euronext Paris (FR0011052257 – ALGBE).

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