Andrey Prokhorov (Canva)

Biosensor Potential Maximized Through Innovative Aptamer-Nanopore Interaction

University of Missouri researchers develop an innovative method using nanopores to help scientists advance various aspects of synthetic biology
Emerging Technologies
Health & Medicine
August 9, 2023

In the vastness of the universe, when we talk about small, we mean really, *really* small. To fathom the true minuteness of the recent breakthrough by Professor Li-Qun “Andrew” Gu and his cohort at the University of Missouri, one must imagine a world a hundred thousand times thinner than a sheet of paper. Welcome to the world of nanoscale science.

For two decades, the corridors of the University of Missouri have echoed with the footsteps of Professor Gu, a man whose insatiable drive for understanding has led him to pioneer intricate diagnostic tools, all within the realm of the infinitesimal. Utilizing nanopores—minuscule holes that one could argue challenge the very definition of 'hole'—Gu and his team have crafted a method that promises to catapult scientific endeavors in neuroscience and beyond. Findings from the new study were published recently in PNAS

"Potential applications include studying the structures of DNA- and RNA-based diseases and disorders, such as COVID-19, HIV, and certain types of cancers, to see how drug therapies work,” Gu remarked. And the implications do not stop there. The horizon of this discovery stretches to the development of sensors for neurotransmitters, shining light on the enigmas of neurochemistry and neurodegenerative disease diagnostics.

It's all about the aptamers. These single strands of DNA or RNA molecules possess the unique ability to bond selectively to a specific target. As Kevin Gillis, a collaborator in this innovative journey, explains, this ensures that the researchers can pinpoint precisely what the nanopores detect. The genius lies in their function: “Nanopores can detect single molecules because they are like a built-in amplifier—the binding of a single molecule can block the flow of millions of ions moving through the pore that produces the measured current and changes in the current represent the single molecules moving or binding inside nanopores,” Gillis noted.

Gillis, wearing multiple hats as the chair of the Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Department and investigator in the Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center, marvels at the sheer innovation of it all. For him, the work of researchers like Gu is a testament to the limitless potential of nanopores. 

“This approach contributes to a growing area of research called synthetic biology which is intended to reproduce the most important features in life by replicating the most basic biological functions in synthetic form,” Gillis stated. “This makes it one of the most powerful approaches to understanding the basic principles of life.”

Gu's gratitude extends to each of his co-authors as he celebrates the rich tapestry of minds that came together for this project. It’s a testament, he believes, to the potent interplay of education and training that thrives in both his and Gillis’ laboratories.

In a world where 'big' often steals the limelight, it's the unimaginably small that might just hold the key to our grandest questions.

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Biosensor Potential Maximized Through Innovative Aptamer-Nanopore Interaction

August 9, 2023
Andrey Prokhorov (Canva)

Biosensor Potential Maximized Through Innovative Aptamer-Nanopore Interaction

August 9, 2023
Andrey Prokhorov (Canva)

In the vastness of the universe, when we talk about small, we mean really, *really* small. To fathom the true minuteness of the recent breakthrough by Professor Li-Qun “Andrew” Gu and his cohort at the University of Missouri, one must imagine a world a hundred thousand times thinner than a sheet of paper. Welcome to the world of nanoscale science.

For two decades, the corridors of the University of Missouri have echoed with the footsteps of Professor Gu, a man whose insatiable drive for understanding has led him to pioneer intricate diagnostic tools, all within the realm of the infinitesimal. Utilizing nanopores—minuscule holes that one could argue challenge the very definition of 'hole'—Gu and his team have crafted a method that promises to catapult scientific endeavors in neuroscience and beyond. Findings from the new study were published recently in PNAS

"Potential applications include studying the structures of DNA- and RNA-based diseases and disorders, such as COVID-19, HIV, and certain types of cancers, to see how drug therapies work,” Gu remarked. And the implications do not stop there. The horizon of this discovery stretches to the development of sensors for neurotransmitters, shining light on the enigmas of neurochemistry and neurodegenerative disease diagnostics.

It's all about the aptamers. These single strands of DNA or RNA molecules possess the unique ability to bond selectively to a specific target. As Kevin Gillis, a collaborator in this innovative journey, explains, this ensures that the researchers can pinpoint precisely what the nanopores detect. The genius lies in their function: “Nanopores can detect single molecules because they are like a built-in amplifier—the binding of a single molecule can block the flow of millions of ions moving through the pore that produces the measured current and changes in the current represent the single molecules moving or binding inside nanopores,” Gillis noted.

Gillis, wearing multiple hats as the chair of the Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Department and investigator in the Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center, marvels at the sheer innovation of it all. For him, the work of researchers like Gu is a testament to the limitless potential of nanopores. 

“This approach contributes to a growing area of research called synthetic biology which is intended to reproduce the most important features in life by replicating the most basic biological functions in synthetic form,” Gillis stated. “This makes it one of the most powerful approaches to understanding the basic principles of life.”

Gu's gratitude extends to each of his co-authors as he celebrates the rich tapestry of minds that came together for this project. It’s a testament, he believes, to the potent interplay of education and training that thrives in both his and Gillis’ laboratories.

In a world where 'big' often steals the limelight, it's the unimaginably small that might just hold the key to our grandest questions.

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