
Synthetic Biology in China: A SynBioBeta Town Hall

May 30, 2024

Prepare to peel back the layers of hype and dive into the real story behind China’s synthetic biology boom in this forthcoming SynBioBeta Town Hall. This event promises to be a no-nonsense, deep dive into the burgeoning biotech scene in the heart of Asia. SynBioBeta Founder and CEO John Cumbers, fresh from a recent visit to Shanghai, Suzhou, and Shenzhen, will steer the conversation. We have lined up a panel that sits at the vanguard of Chinese biotechnology: Ma Rui, an investor from the Beijing-based Frees Fund VC, Chantal (Yue) Shen from the BGI, Haotian Guo from Ailurus Bio, and Bruce Li from TJX Bioengineering. This event won’t just be your usual echo chamber of buzzwords; these experts will discuss the massive strides and significant challenges that many researchers face in a field where China can be seen sprinting ahead at a blistering pace. Expect a great panel discussion and a lively, interactive Q&A session. Join us for a session that should prove as enlightening as it will be informative.

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